General Information
Phone Numbers
Fax: 307-322-2245
Emergencies: Dial 911
800 9th Street
PO Box 728

Monday - Friday
7:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Special Districts

What are Special Districts?

Special Districts are boards formed to deliver specific services to a specified boundary. These districts are governed by Wyoming State Statute §16-12-101 through §16-12-414. These districts may be: airport joint powers boards; cemetery districts; conservation districts; fire protection districts; flood control districts; housing authorities; improvement & service districts; joint powers boards; local improvement districts; museum districts; predator management districts; recreation districts; recreation joint powers boards; regional transportation authorities; resort districts; rural health care districts; sanitary & improvement districts; senior citizens' districts; solid waste disposal districts; water & sewer districts; water conservancy districts; watershed improvement districts; weed & pest districts.

Fire Protection Districts are also bound by Wyoming State Statutes §35-9-201 through §35-9-215. 

For more information please read the Wyoming Taxpayers Association's page about Special Districts or see the Wyoming Special District Handbook.

Budget Information:

Each Special District is required to file a proposed and final budget with the County Clerk. Budgets are available for download on the individual web page of each Special District. You can also obtain these budgets by contacting the County Clerk by calling (307)322-2315 or by emailing

Special Districts in Platte County: