Antelope Gap Rural Fire District

About the Antelope Gap Rural Fire District:

Fire The district was created to provide protection from fire and other public safety emergencies for all persons and property within its boundaries. The Antelope Gap Rural Fire District meets the second Thursday of each month at 7:00 pm at the fire hall, which is located at 1093 Antelope Gap Road, Wheatland. The public is welcome to attend. Please call (307)331-0779 or email for more information.

For more information please read their By Laws.

Board Members:

Anthony Laffitte -Term Expires  12/31/2028
David Weber -Term Expires  12/31/2028
Lyndon Miller -Term Expires  12/31/2026

Mailing Address:

PO Box 521
Wheatland, WY 82201

Fire Hall Address:

1093 Antelope Gap Road
Wheatland, WY 82201

Meeting Minutes:

For minutes, please visit the calendar created for Special Districts or contact the Platte County Clerk by calling (307)322-2315 or emailing

Current Budget Information: