Hospital District

About the Platte County Hospital District:

Hospital Districts are authorized pursuant to Wyoming State Statutes §35-2-401 through §35-2-438. The Platte County Hospital District was created for charitable, scientific and educational purposes. The Hospital District Board owns the Platte County Memorial Hospital - located at 201 14th St., Wheatland - which is currently managed by Banner Health. The District Board also owns and operates the Platte County Legacy home - located at  100 19th St., Wheatland. The Legacy Home is a nursing, rehab, and assisted living facility and is currently administered by Rural Health Development of Nebraska. The Board meets the 4th Wednesday of each month at 3:15 PM at the Legacy Home. To see when they hold their meetings please see this Calendar.

For more information please read their By-Laws. The Hospital District Board of Directors are considering changes to their currently enacted by-laws. Those proposed changes can be viewed by clicking here. 

Contact Information:

Candy Wright, Hospital District Coordinator
Phone: (307)331-2940
Mail: PO Box 694, Wheatland, WY 82201

Board Members:

Rob Helbaum, Chairman
Chuck Frederick, Vice-Chairman
Tracy de Ryk
Lori Modesitt, Treasurer
Tiffany Dean
Britt Wilson
Debbie Shanahan

Meeting Minutes:

For minutes, please contact the Platte County Clerk by calling (307)322-2315 or emailing

Platte County Hospital District’s Long-Term Care Facility Study:

Cover sheet
Index sheet
Tab 1 - Overview
Tab 2 - Public Participation Plan
Tab 3 - Survey Results
Tab 4 - Long-Term Care Market Analysis
Tab 5 - Preliminary Facility Evaluation & Another Model to Consider
Tab 6 - Final Facility Evaluation Report
Tab 7 - Implementation & Funding Plan
Tab 8 - Assisted Living Facility Business Plan


Current Budget Information:

The Platte County Hospital District is funded by a 3 mill levy assessed County-wide. The Hospital District is guaranteed a levy of 3 mills county-wide pursuant to Wyoming State Statute §35-2-414(b) but can ask the qualified electors of the county to increase their tax levy to not exceed 6 mills. The district's proposed and final budget are below: