Platte County Housing Authority board is a five-member board that was formed to oversee the management of housing projects owned by Platte County. The members of this board are appointed by the Board of County Commissioners and serve five-year terms. Currently, Platte County owns a single housing complex that provides retirement living for senior citizens. The housing complex is H.U.D. (Housing and Urban Development) assisted to those who are 62 years of age or older. Those who qualify, pay no more than 30% of their adjusted annual income for rent and utilities with the exception of telephone and cable TV. The Housing Board meets on the 2nd Tuesday of every month at the Housing Authority Office, 1605 #4E 16th St., Wheatland, at 1:15 pm. In order to be on the agenda to speak to the board please see the contact information below.
For more information please read the Housing Board By-Laws.
The housing complex, which is owned by Platte County, is located at 1605 16th Street in Wheatland, Wyoming.
Carolyn Teter, President
Term expires 10/31/2026
Jennifer Burns, Vice-President
Term expires 10/31/2027
Jamie Hazen - Secretary
Term expires 10/31/2029
Darrel Curry, Board Member
Term expires 10/31/2028
Sarah Taylor, Board Member
Term expires 10/31/2030
To obtain a copy of the Housing Authority budget please contact the Board's Executive Director. That contact information is found above.
To obtain meeting minutes of the Housing Authority budget please contact the Board's Executive Director. That contact information is found above.
If you are interested in serving on the Housing Authority board please complete this Board Position Application and return it to the County Clerk's Office by mailing it to PO Box 728, Wheatland, WY 82201; or by emailing the completed application to