Accounts Payable is a function of the County Clerk's Office pursuant to Wyoming State Statute §18-3-402. Before those payments can be released by the Clerk they must be approved by the Board of County Commissioners and countersigned by the County Treasurer. The requirement that the Commissioners and Treasurer examine those payments prior to them being issued ensures a check and balance within the County's government to maximize accountability.
The Platte County Commissioners meet on the first and third Tuesday of each month. At each of those meetings the Clerk's Office presents all payments that have been requested to be paid. Once approved by the Commissioners the Clerk's Office issues those payments. To see when the Commissioners meet please visit their Calendar.
In order to request payment from Platte County, prospective payees need to complete a County Voucher. Platte County will also need each new vendor to complete a W-9. Those documents will need to be signed by the prospective payee and returned to the Clerk's Office by mailing it to:
Deadlines are necessary in order for the Clerk's Office to prepare payments to be issued and provide the Commissioners with a list of vouchers to be paid prior to their meeting. Therefore, all vouchers are due at noon on the Thursday prior to each Commissioner meeting - unless Monday is a holiday then the deadline is noon on the Wednesday prior to the meeting. Vouchers received after the deadline will be held for the next Commissioner meeting.